
17 new messages in 11 topics - digest

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 1:32 pm
From: Jon Skeet [C# MVP]

Jon Skeet [C# MVP] <> wrote:


> Another one to ask the team, I guess...

Here's the reply:

This certainly looks like an error in the specification. I'll see what
we can do about getting it fixed.  Thanks for bringing it to our

Jon Skeet - <>
Web site:
C# in Depth:

TOPIC: Stop XmlDocument.Load() from using cached data?

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 1:36 pm
From: Mahmoud Al-Qudsi

Is there any way to stop an XmlDocument object from using data grabbed
from a previous request?

e.g. if I used XmlDocument.Load to grab a URI, and I know that this
URI changes often (for example, an RSS feed) can I somehow tell the
framework to not use cached data?

Will I have to create a custom HttpWebRequest and convert the data to
an XmlDocument for processing or is there some way to tell XmlDocument
(perhaps via the XmlResolver somehow?) to never use the cache?


== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 3:09 pm
From: "Anthony Jones"

"Mahmoud Al-Qudsi" <> wrote in message
> Is there any way to stop an XmlDocument object from using data grabbed
> from a previous request?
> e.g. if I used XmlDocument.Load to grab a URI, and I know that this
> URI changes often (for example, an RSS feed) can I somehow tell the
> framework to not use cached data?
> Will I have to create a custom HttpWebRequest and convert the data to
> an XmlDocument for processing or is there some way to tell XmlDocument
> (perhaps via the XmlResolver somehow?) to never use the cache?

The Load method honors the WebRequest Caching policy which by default is set
to bypass the cache.  However its worth noting that this actually means
bypass the local cache it does not add a pragma: no-cache header to the
request and therefore other caches such as a proxy server between the client
and the origin server may serve content from a cache.

You will need to use HttpWebRequest if the default behaviour (or your
prevailing settings set via the requestCaching element in the .config(s)) is
not want you need.

I suggest you use a policy created wth Revalidate level.

Anthony Jones - MVP ASP/ASP.NET

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 3:19 pm
From: Mahmoud Al-Qudsi

> You will need to use HttpWebRequest if the default behaviour (or your
> prevailing settings set via the requestCaching element in the .config(s)) is
> not want you need.
> I suggest you use a policy created wth Revalidate level.

I take it this will this do the trick then?

WebRequest.DefaultCachePolicy = new
XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

TOPIC: Compiler Error CS0702

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 1:33 pm
From: Jon Skeet [C# MVP]

Jon Skeet [C# MVP] <> wrote:


> > I don't see a conceptual reason why "where T : enum" _shouldn't_ be supported.
> Likewise. I don't think any of us have come up with a reason why it
> shouldn't be supported. I'd be interested to know the reason too - but
> I don't think you'll find it here ;)

I asked the C# team about this issue, and got this reply:

First off, your conjecture is correct; the restrictions on constraints
are by and large artefacts of the language, not so much the CLR. (Were
we to do these features there would be a few minor things we=3Fd like to
change in the CLR regarding how enumerable types are specified, but
mostly this would be language work.)

Second, I would personally love to have delegate constraints, enum
constraints, and the ability to specify constraints that are illegal
today because the compiler is trying to save you from yourself. (That
is, making sealed types legal as constraints, and so on.)

However, due to scheduling restrictions, we will likely not be able to
get these features into the next version of the language.

Jon Skeet - <>
Web site:
C# in Depth:

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 2:13 pm

> However, due to scheduling restrictions, we will likely not be able to

That's what I thought. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Thanks for your effort.

TOPIC: SaveFileDialog Changing Environment.CurrentDirectory

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 1:42 pm
From: "Peter Duniho"

On Fri, 09 May 2008 12:45:02 -0700,
<> wrote:

> Hello:
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears that saving a file with the
> SaveFileDialog changes the Environment.CurrentDirectory property.
> How can I prevent this?

This has been answered before:

In some of the top threads related to that search, you'll find mention
that the FileDialog.RestoreDirectory property controls this behavior.

Of course, I suppose you could have also just looked at the documentation
for the SaveFileDialog.  IMHO, the first thing anyone should do when they
are trying to find the answer to a question related to the use of a
particular framework class is read through the entire list of public
members of the class in question.  Often what you're looking for will be
found there.  :)

If you look through the previous threads that Google shows you, you will
also see good advice that generally you should not be relying on the
current directory anyway.  Sometimes when dealing with legacy code it's
safer to just not change the current directory.  But it's usually better
to just use full path names when referencing the file system.  Then you're
not dependent on side-effects of other code and/or use actions.


TOPIC: Threads and Exceptions

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 2:02 pm
From: "Peter Duniho"

On Fri, 09 May 2008 13:28:13 -0700, DaveC <> wrote:

> Based on what Peter B referred me to I got my problem solved. Time to
> share the solution.

All due respect to the other Peter, I don't see that as a very good

The basic problem is that you never solve the problem of the call to
ReadResponse() completing.  In particular, if that call really is going to
block indefinitely, you have now completely tied up a thread pool thread
for the remaining lifetime of your program.  Do this too often, and you
will eventually consume your entire thread pool.

It's unfortunate that Peter B's article does not mention this serious flaw
at all.  His test code may not ever exhibit the problem, because he
changed the API to eventually complete (i.e. he passes in a
"secondsToWait", which implies to me that his test code probably just
sleeps for some number of seconds before returning).  But in a real world
application, where the method may not ever actually complete, it's a

There are also minor problems with the implementation you posted.  Two
obvious ones are:

> [...]
>         private delegate string del_StreamReader(ref SshStream ssh); //
> declare a delegate to use in the timeout

There is no need for the parameter to be defined as "ref".  You aren't
changing the value of the parameter, so passing by reference is
superfluous.  You seem to have added this problem all by yourself.


> [...]
>             IAsyncResult sync_result = del_sr.BeginInvoke(ref ssh,
> null, new object());    //Invoke the delegate and pass parameters

You are passing "null" for the async callback parameter to BeginInvoke(),
so the third parameter -- the value passed to the callback -- is
superfluous.  This problem seems to have been inherited from Peter B's

Even if you did have a callback, passing a plain instance of Object would
almost always be pointless.  The reason that parameter exists is to
provide the callback with some context for its processing.  Since an
instance of Object has no context that's useful for most purposes, passing
one as the context doesn't make sense.  (The one exception I can think of
would be using it for synchronization purposes -- i.e. using it for a
lock() or in a call to a Monitor method -- but if you need to pass a
synchronization object to your async callback, there's probably something
wrong with your design).

Without a callback, all that passing a "new object()" as the third
parameter does is exercise the garbage collector needlessly.

Obviously, it's my opinion that the above issues should be rendered moot
by a different approach to the question.  However, if you insist on using
this "async delegate" approach, you should at least do it as correctly as
you can given the situation.


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 2:12 pm
From: "Peter Duniho"

On Fri, 09 May 2008 13:30:48 -0700, Jon Skeet [C# MVP] <>

> [...]
>> Should I be using some other mechanism to watchdog and break the hung
>> stream read?
> As Peter suggested, using a timeout is a good way - or you could
> potentially close the stream from a different thread. I don't know the
> details of how safe that is, but it's at least a possibility.

Closing an i/o object from a thread other than the one where the object is
blocking is a common technique, especially in network i/o (it's a standard
feature of all the socket implementations I've seen).  The OP still hasn't
provided any detail as to which class he's actually using, but assuming
it's a built-in .NET Framework class, I expect that closing the object is
not only safe, it's the right thing to do.

As I pointed out in my other reply, the timeout implementation Peter B has
suggested has a serious problem with it.  If you've got a class that
defines an API that supports timeouts, then yes...that's a great way to
go.  But if I read this message thread correctly, the specific problem is
that the OP is using a class that doesn't itself support timeouts.

Of course, without knowing the actual class he's using, there's no way to
verify that.

Adding a timeout in _some_ fashion is obviously the goal here, but using
the BeginInvoke() method on a delegate instance as Peter B suggests is not
a good general-purpose way to impose a timeout on some operation.  It's
probably fine for operations that you know _for sure_ will eventually
complete, and will do so in a reasonably short period of time (seconds,
maybe a few minutes depending on how often one might attempt such an
operation, and certainly not hours).  But it's completely unsuitable if
you're dealing with operations that may never complete.

As is often the case, if the OP would provide actual details on what the
code is really doing, it would be a lot easier to provide good advice.  So
far, we still don't know what i/o object is ultimately being used here, so
it's not really possible to tell him what the best timeout strategy might


TOPIC: Confused about the String Contains function

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 2:02 pm
From: Jon Skeet [C# MVP]

SMJT <> wrote:
> Thanks for all the replies and explanations.
> >> (whole+part).Contains( part) return true ALWAYS no? ...
> Fair enough, IF an empty string was part of the original string, but
> if a string has any contents, how can any part of it be empty?

There exists an empty string beginning at every place in the string. I
can't think of any definition of containment for which that's not true.

> >>"AnyOldText".IndexOf("")  == 0;
> yes but so does "AnyOldText".IndexOf("A") so which is it position 0 an
> empty string or a text stream?

Both, just as "An" is also at the start, and so is "Any".

> And "AnyOldText".IndexOf("",1)  == 1;  "AnyOldText".IndexOf("",2)  ==
> 2; "AnyOldText".IndexOf("",3)  == 3; etc ... So by that logic there is
> an empty string at each of these positions and text, which although
> theoretically true isn't exactly useful information.

Asking for the index of an empty string isn't a question which can
yield useful information though. Ask a silly question, get a silly

> >>"abc" + "" = "abc", it means that "abc" contains ""
> No it doesn't, it just means you concatenated nothing to the original
> string so I would expect it to remain unchanged.

The logic seems fairly clear to me: if x+y=z, then z contains y, right?
Now apply the same logic with x="abc", y="" and thus z="abc".

> >>("").Contains("")
> Yeah, ok that makes sense and I expected this to be the only time
> Contains returned TRUE.


Jon Skeet - <>
Web site:
C# in Depth:


== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 11:26 am
From: "AAaron123"

Before DotNet there were the formats:

// Clipboard formats - use as parameter to RegisterClipboardFormat()

#define CF_RTF TEXT("Rich Text Format")

#define CF_RTFNOOBJS TEXT("Rich Text Format Without Objects")

#define CF_RETEXTOBJ TEXT("RichEdit Text and Objects")

Are they still used by any MS programs like Word or WordPad?

If they are how are they handled by DotNET?


TOPIC: Accessing a web service - proxy problem

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 2:27 pm
From: "Tim Jarvis"

Jon wrote:

> Thanks Tim.
> You may also be interested in the reply that I had when I reposted on
> dotnet.framework.webservices.

Cool, thanks for that. That link that Steven sent you is useful.

Cheers Tim.


TOPIC: Using delegates between main/sub threads

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 2:35 pm
From: "Ben Voigt [C++ MVP]"

> I have no idea what you mean here.  If you use Invoke() to call a
> method that updates internal UI state, then when Invoke() returns,
> you can be sure that what that method does -- updating internal UI
> state -- is done. If the method doesn't send a WM_PAINT, then the
> question of when the screen is updated or when a WM_PAINT message
> might be sent is irrelevant. That's not what the method being invoked
> does.
> Don't confuse what a method _does_ with what later implications that
> activity might have.  For example, the question of when a WM_PAINT
> message is sent is independent of when a method that updates internal
> UI state is done, and this is true whether you call that method
> directly within the correct thread, or call it indirectly from
> another thread using Invoke().

But by this definition, BeginInvoke is also synchronous.  It does not do
what the documentation says ("Executes a delegate asynchronously"), it posts
a request into a queue corresponding to the UI thread, then returns.  The
future execution of the delegate identified in that request is merely a
"later implication of that activity".

> Pete

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 4:33 pm
From: "Peter Duniho"

On Fri, 09 May 2008 14:35:10 -0700, Ben Voigt [C++ MVP]
<rbv@nospam.nospam> wrote:

>> I have no idea what you mean here.  If you use Invoke() to call a
>> method that updates internal UI state, then when Invoke() returns,
>> you can be sure that what that method does -- updating internal UI
>> state -- is done. If the method doesn't send a WM_PAINT, then the
>> question of when the screen is updated or when a WM_PAINT message
>> might be sent is irrelevant. That's not what the method being invoked
>> does.
>> Don't confuse what a method _does_ with what later implications that
>> activity might have.  For example, the question of when a WM_PAINT
>> message is sent is independent of when a method that updates internal
>> UI state is done, and this is true whether you call that method
>> directly within the correct thread, or call it indirectly from
>> another thread using Invoke().
> But by this definition, BeginInvoke is also synchronous.

I can't tell whether you are deliberately or accidently confusing to which
"method" I'm referring, but you are.

Both Invoke() and BeginInvoke() are themselves synchronous.  That is,
neither method returns until it's done what it does.  All methods are like

However, I'm not talking about those methods.  I'm talking about the
method that is invoked by either Invoke() or BeginInvoke().  The docs for
Invoke() don't say that it executes the passed in method asynchronously.
It simply says that it invokes the method on the control's owning thread.

You feel that the fact that the method isn't being invoked on the same
thread that's calling Invoke() means that it's implied that the execution
is asynchronous.  While I would be curious if you had an example of some
documentation describing an API that specifically executes a method, does
so asynchronously, and yet the docs don't state that specifically, the
fact is I simply disagree on what's a reasonable assumption or not.

We'll just have to agree to disagree.  But in any case, anyone reading the
documentation should be able to follow the logical concusion that, since
Invoke() returns the return value of the method being executed, obviously
it cannot return until that method has itself returned.

> It does not do
> what the documentation says ("Executes a delegate asynchronously"),

It does do exactly that.  The use of the word "asychronously" isn't
accidental there.  It's specifically being used as a shorthand way of
describing what BeginInvoke() does.

> it posts
> a request into a queue corresponding to the UI thread, then returns.  The
> future execution of the delegate identified in that request is merely a
> "later implication of that activity".

That's true.  And I wouldn't disagree that the docs would do well to be
more detailed about what BeginInvoke() really is doing.  However, the
phrase "executes a delegate asynchronously" is a reasonable approximation
and none of that contradicts what I wrote.

Frankly, I find no productive value in continue to argue about whether the
docs are clear enough or not.  If they confuse you, that's fine...please
feel free to suggest to Microsoft that they be improved.  There's nothing
wrong with improving documentation, even if they aren't ambiguous as-is.


TOPIC: Evaluating numeric expressions

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 6:01 pm
From: Arne Vajhřj

PatrickS wrote:
> Is there an easy way in C# to take a string that contains an expression, say
> for example something like '(10 / 2) + 1' and evaluate it without having to
> parse the string myself and muck about with other stuff like operator
> precedence?

JavaScript has a nice eval function that can be utilized from C#.

See for
a code example.


TOPIC: Check if a Public Method exists for a form and execute it

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 8:59 pm
From: Jeff

I need a way to do the following and cannot seem to find a solution via

1. Have a method from the main app to get all open forms
2. Check each open form for a public method
3. If this public method exists execute it which will result in the
displayed form being updated.  There will be no data loss as the forms
will only contain listviews or readonly fields.


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 9:31 pm
From: "Peter Duniho"

On Fri, 09 May 2008 20:59:27 -0700, Jeff <jeff@[_nospam_]>

> I need a way to do the following and cannot seem to find a solution via
> google.
> 1. Have a method from the main app to get all open forms
> 2. Check each open form for a public method
> 3. If this public method exists execute it which will result in the
> displayed form being updated.  There will be no data loss as the forms
> will only contain listviews or readonly fields.

I don't really understand the last statement, as neither the question of
ListView instances or of readonly fields affects whether there could
potentially be data loss.

However, to address your specific question, you are looking for the
Reflection namespace.  You can use GetType() on each form instance to get
its actual type, and then use that Type instance to look for particular
members, including a method to invoke.

That said, using Reflection should be a last resort.  As an example here,
it would be much better if each form that might need this method to be
called instead implemented the method as an event handler.  Then the
application would define an event each form could subscribe to.  When the
event was raised, each form would then have its method executed
automatically, without having to go through all the reflection rigamarole.

If for some reason that and any other potential alternative isn't
possible, then reflection is your answer.


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Training Plan:
·         The recruit will be introduced to the existing applications and standard operating procedures.
·         Introductory training to IP concepts will be provided.
Opportunities for Career Growth:
·         The candidate will get an opportunity to develop expertise in the technologies useful in the business.
Opportunities for Professional & Skill Enhancement:
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Varun Parashar
Sr. Associate
Quantronix India
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Desk: + 91 - 120 - 4670000 ext: 209

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Expected CTC:
Notice Period:
Current employment Status: Contract/Permanent
Reason for Change:

ssc-10th - Year of passing - and % of mark-

PUC - +2 -- Year of passing- and % of mark-

Degree-- Year of passing- and % of mark-

Master-- Year of passing- and % of mark-

Role Looking for -

Please forward ur updated profile at earliest for shortlisting. We need references of your friends who are intrested to work in the same domain. Awaiting for ur kind response.

AMD Consultants

Urgent opening with Fulcrum Logic UK Ltd.

Warm greetings from HR Team of Fulcrum Logic!

We have URGENT positions matching your profile for UK location.

Fulcrum Logic is a fast growing web Integration and software-services company with recognized reputation in providing complete range of creative solutions to large corporations. We provide custom application development and expert consulting services to several Billion Dollar clients in different industries like banking, finance, brokerage, communications, insurance, pharmaceuticals and logistics.

Our client list includes very reputed companies like J P Morgan & Chase, Halifax Insurance, British Telecom, Bank of Scotland, Logica CMG, Sky Subscriber Ltd., Atos Origin, Renault UK, MTN, NHS, TD waterhouse, Rail Track, Intelligent Finance, Lawson Software, Computer Sciences Corporation, TNT Express World wide (UK) Ltd., Air Miles, Kainos, IBM UK Ltd., Bobcock, Technologies Group Ltd, 7 irene etc.

With an employee strength of more than 450 employees worldwide, Fulcrum Logic is headquartered in Short Hills, New Jersey , with oices in Burlingame , CA ; Reading , UK ; Andheri – Mumbai; Pune IT Park - Bopodi, Pune.

You could also send across this mail to your friends and acquaintances and ask them to send across their resumes to us. We will make sure that we will do the need full.

Please feel free to call me back for further clarifications @ 91- 9881715504.

For our company profile visit us at

Thank You and Warm Regards,
Kusum Thakur| Executive-Recruitment |
"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort"

Fulcrum logic Pvt. Ltd|C-801/802, Pune IT Park | 34, Aundh Road , Bhau Patil Marg, Bopodi | Pune – 411 020 |
Tel: +91 (20) 020 -30259300 Ext:302 | Mob:9881715504|
E-mail:| Website:

Fwd: software devloper for a TATA enterprise

Our client is a well established software company - A Tata Venture. They are currently present in more than 18 cities in India. To support their expansion plan they seek young software professionals with experience ranging from 3 - 7 years in Java, jee, and dot net technologies. Positions based in Bangalore and Chennai

To explore this opportunity further, you may contact us on or call us on any of the nos mentioned below.


Warm Regards,


Noopur Varshney
Team Resource
Web   –

Tel- 080- 41115990/41508628



Urgent - Opening with HCL Technologies - Chennai - Project Lead - Dot Net

I have an excellent opening with HCL Technologies - Chennai


If the position excites you, please send an updated copy of your resume.


Job Profile



Project Lead - .NET - Chennai

Job Description:

-Must have an overall experience of 6-9 Years with minimum of 1-2 years of relevant experience in .NET technologies and Leading/Mentoring a team.

-Should have experience on .NET framework 2.0, .NET compact framework, Object Oriented programming skills.

-Must be conversant with with C#, 3 tier architecture, SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005, XML, Web services.

-Good debugging skill & good team leading capabilities.


View other opportunities at HCL Technologies

HCL is a leading global Technology and IT enterprises with annual revenues of US$ 4 billion. The HCL Enterprise comprises two companies listed in India, HCL Technologies ( and HCL Infosystems (

Best Regards


Excellent Opening for .net professionals with Mindtree Bangalore!!!

This is with reference to a suitable career prospect and job opportunity. As a premier information technology consulting organization, Abyss & Horizon Consulting has been proactive in fulfilling career objectives and escalating future prospects of software industry professionals. Currently, our focus is to recruitment professionals into the areas of ".net"

As you are aware, Abyss & Horizon Consulting is the leading "Outsourcing Consulting Partner" (OCP) to world leading organizations across the country such as Patni Computer Systems, Mastek, MBT, Infosys, Wipro, Cognizant to name a few. We've gone to extraordinary lengths to create an environment that encourages and supports your efforts - and rewards your achievements. The openness, collegiality, and collaboration that distinguish AHCPL provide fertile ground for continually expanding your career horizons. As our firm pursues its aggressive global growth strategy, we"ll be able to offer an increasingly wider range of opportunities to our professionals. Serving Indian and multinational clients and building a worldwide practice will involve collaboration with colleagues and is likely to offer you opportunities in both developed and emerging markets.

This requirement is for MindTree, CMM 5 Organization, location would be ' Bangalore ' 


MindTree is a global IT and R&D Services Company co-headquartered in the U.S. and India . Mind Tree's IT Services business provides a range of services to CIO's across a variety of industry segments.

MindTree was named among the Top 30 offshore service providers by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals and Fortune Magazine. Widely known for its focus on human capital development, MindTree has been consistently rated as the most admired employers by several industry surveys, including Hewitt Associates and Mercer/TNS, and is also the winner of the MAKE Award for knowledge management. MindTree is publicly listed in India .



MindTree designs, develops and maintains enterprise solutions, using a world-class methodology, for business-to-business and business-to-consumer applications. These applications are built to leverage emerging and classic communication channels. We offer services that range from defining business needs to building solutions using best-of-breed tools and technologies to maintaining applications.

Kindly go through the company URL



Designation: SSE/ ML / TL / PL


Skill        :  .net , C#

Exp         :    4 – 8 yrs

Kindly let us know if you would be interested in this opportunity. Would request you to forward your updated CV along with the following details.

1) Current CTC -
2) Expected Salary -
3) Notice Period -
4) Total IT Experience -
5) Educational Qualifications -
6) Present Company -
7) Contact no. –

Thanks & Regards
Neetu M |   Team Leader

Abyss & Horizon Consulting Pvt Ltd | Mumbai
Board: 67748888 | Direct: 67748823 | 
Email:  | Visit

Sapient|Sr. Associate, Platform (C#/Winforms) role

By way of introduction, I am a part of the hiring team at Sapient Corp. One of the Top 5 IT Consulting companies of the World, responsible for " Sr. Associate, Platform (Dot Net-C#)" hiring. I would like to understand your interest towards some opportunities we have with our Gurgaon/Noida office. We are currently looking at ASP.NET (C#)/Windows Professionals having experience of 4 yrs-7 yrs exp.We are looking at Candidates who have strong experience in complete SDLC.
About Sapient
At Sapient, we help clients innovate their businesses to achieve extraordinary results from their customer relationships, business operations, and technology.

We founded Sapient on a single promise to our clients: to do whatever it takes to deliver the right business results, on time and on budget. Since 1990, we have consistently delivered on this promise, achieving success for our clients at nearly three times the industry average.*

Leveraging a unique approach, breakthrough thinking and disciplined execution, Sapient leads its industry in delivering the right business results on time and on budget. Sapient works with clients that are driven to make a difference, including BP, Essent Energy, Harrahs Entertainment, Hilton International, Janus, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Nextel Communications, Sony Electronics, the U.S. Marine Corps, and Verizon. Founded in 1991, Sapient is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and operates across North America, Europe and India. More information about Sapient can be found at

    Job Title :- Sr. Associate , Platform    
    Job Location :- Gurgaon / Noida
    Experience Guidelines: (4-7 yrs)
- Minimum 3-4 years in systems integration and development, package      
implementation, and/or interactive design
- Knowledge of multiple technologies including but not limited to C#, Asp.Net 2.0
- Proficient in UML
- Winforms- UI response
- Custom controls in C#
- Created Business Logic and Data Access Components in C#.
- Developed a high performance multi threaded Well Known (WKO) object Server Assembly in C# which performs the business logic.
- Webservices- DB2 / SQL
- Developed .Net business Components.
- Should also have working knowledge in C++
If the above mentioned role excites you then please send across your updated resume. Looking forward to hear from you!
Thanks & Regards,
Rajni Sharma
Sr.Associate, Recruiting
Capacity Team|Sapient India

Fortune 500 Co .Net PMs/Architects /TLs /SSEs BEST SALARY Fortune 500 Co. for Blore, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad

Our Client is a Fortune 500 IT Co. (with Turnover of over 15.5 Billion Dollars & over 1.5 Lac Employees). Its a Global Mgmt Consulting and Technology services Company. It is hiring in large Nos for Permanent Posts of 

.Net & VB Project Managers /Solution Architect /Architect /Team Leads /Tech Leads /Sr Software Engineers/ Software Engineers
Work Locations: Bangalore/ Chennai/ Mumbai/ Hyderabad/Delhi/PUNE

If this is what you are looking for: Pls Reply to this mail with
Your UPDATED RESUME urgently (Pls mail Resume with 100% Genuine Qualifications & Experiences as they do stringent Background Checks).

 DO Provide us the following Info:
a) Are you OK for Bangalore or Delhi  or Chennai or Mumbai or Hyderabad or Pune:
b) Present Cost to Company:
c) Expected Cost to Comapany:
d) Mobile No. & Home Ph No.:
e) Have you given any Interview in ACCENTURE in last 3 months Y/N: 
f) Total Exp (in Mon! ths):-
   Experience in .Net Technologies (in Months) 
   Experience in C# (in Months)
   Experience in VB (in Months)
   Experience in SQL (in Months)
   Experience in Architect (in months)


   Experience in OOAD/ UML/ Rational Rose/ Visio (in Months)
g) Present Company & Location:
h) Joining Time Desired:
i) Passport No.(if any):
j) Date of Birth (MANDATORY) :
k) Would you be able to attend Personal Interview on Saturday in any of the locations mentioned above. If not still mail CV and Details.
l) Pls reconfirm that all information given in your resume is true to your knowledge- Yes/ No:

As the No of Reqmts are large you can Forward this mail to your Friends/ Known ones who might be Interested for this.

MC Placements
Phone. : 011- 40591488/ 66603310

Urgent Requirement for GIS DEVELOPERS in IL&FS Technologies Ltd

ILFS An OverView

Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Limited (IL&FS) is one of India's leading infrastructure development and finance companies.
IL&FS has a distinct mandate -- catalyzing the development of infrastructure in the country.
The organization has focused on the commercialization and development of infrastructure projects and creation of value added financial services.

From concept to execution, IL&FS houses the expertise to provide the complete array of services necessary for successful project completion: visioning, documentation, finance, development, management, technology and execution .We are into INFRASTRUCTURE ,Power ,Telecom ,GIS ,INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY , ERP ,Web Services, Web Security ,Consulting ,CRM ,Bioinformatics .
The Infrastructure Leasing and Finance Services (IL&FS) Group is implementing Microsoft Business Solutions (MBS) Axapta, to be carried out in a phased manner. Delhi, India, based Gold Certified MBS partner - ITTIL has been appointed to carry out the implementation across the length and breadth of the Group. Infrastructure Technology and Trade India Ltd. (ITTIL) is one of Group Company of The Infrastructure Leasing and Finance Services (IL&FS) Group.

We are urgently looking for the GIS DEVELOPERS  


  • GIS application developer in ESRI (ArcGIS, ArcIMS, ArcSDE) with .NET(C#, ASP.NET, VB.NET, VC++)
  • Should have sound knowledge in GIS Domain
  • 4+ Years of Relevant Experience in Application Development with ArcObjects
  • Thorough knowledge of software development  life cycle
  • Excellent communication skills

Location: Delhi
If interested please revert back immediately along with the following
HR Details:

1.      Total IT Exp.
2.      Total Relevant Exp.
3.      Joining Lead Time.
4.      Your current salary.
5.      Your expected salary.
6.      Your contact no's and Right time to contact you.

It's highly appreciable, if you will refer other candidatures falling within the same domain & technology with experience details.

Thanks & Regards,
Aarti Mahajan
Email id:
Contact @ - 011- 23730055-56



opening for you with RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland)

, We have an opening for you with RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland)I am writing to confirm Manpower's' interest in

taking your candidature forward. Enclosed is a brief profile of the position and the organization.



  •  A proven track record of design, development and delivery.
  •  OO development experience using .NET C# in large scale, high volume, multi-threaded business critical applications.
  •  Good component based design skills using n-tier architectures (scalability, multithreading, caching, business & data layers).
  •  Excellent multithreaded development skills.
  •  Experience in WinForms development. · Solid database skills (Oracle or SQL Server).


The successful candidate will have a clear focus on providing business solutions whether working independently or as part of a team whilst delivering in a high-pressure environment. It is important for the candidate to have enthusiasm, commitment and a positive attitude as well as being a strong team player. It is also essential for the candidate to have good interpersonal skills and the ability to discuss, analyse and accurately document technical issues.
• As directed by Project Manager, contribute to or lead software development lifecycle management, requirements definition/analysis and feasibility analysis

• Provide significant input to technical design of new solutions applying current software design techniques

• Decompose design into development plan tasks and provide accurate estimation of effort

• Own the specific parts of a solution from design and development through to test and implementation

• Mentor and develop the technical skills of other software developers

 Excellent communication skills, Focussed on delivering what needs to be done, Strong personal ownership and ability to set and meet high professional standards, Flexible and responsive work style, Ability to multi-task and work under pressure

In the meanwhile, please do not hesitate to call me, should you need any clarification or further information.

I look forward to your updated resume.

Best Regards




Positions with a leading MNC Bank in Delhi-NCR region A1

We have a requirement of some senior professionals in the following areas. The requirement is with a leading multinational bank. The positions are based out of Delhi and NCR region.

1. Band 28 - Analyst


The position would be responsible for assisting the Project Manager – Global Corporate Technologies on meeting the following deliverables:
• Managing financials of GCT cost centers (budgeting / forecasting, tracking, analysis, accruals, and monthly reporting)
• Tracking, analysis, and reporting of SQP recoveries, payments, and accruals using EPIC
• Tracking all vendor contracts, Statements of Work, invoices, and payments for purchasing labor, software licenses, other capital assets
• Exercising control over spend and identifying areas for cost efficiency.
• Preparing and Tracking metrics


Qualifications :

• Bcom with 2-3 years post-qualification experience
• Must have strong skills in accounting, finance and finance system controls
• Ability to apply and relate at breadth of knowledge to review and control financial data
• Ability to work in Cross Functional teams, across multiple locations & cultures
• Proven thought, relationship and results leadership competencies
• Excellent problem solving, conflict resolution and analytical skills
• Demonstrated ability to manage multiple tasks under tight timelines
• Proven ability to build and sustain relationships
• Must be able to drive results in Change Management scenario.


2.Job Description for .Net: Technical Lead : Band 30


  • 5+ Years of experience - should have been working on .net related technologies for the last 3+ years (minimum).
  • Should be able work/coordinate with various teams and focus on delivering the application.
  • Excellent customer interaction skill and understanding of their requirements and translating them into Business Solutions.
  • Should have excellent communication skills
  • Technical leadership with proven ability to develop high quality software solutions.
  • Excellent team leading, presentation and communication skills.
  • Should have designed and developed object/relational persistence framework using MS Technologies.

Technical Skills:

  • Worked on .NET Framework 2.0/3.0
  • C# and .NET and related technologies like ASP.NET, ADO.NET,.NET Remoting, Web Services, WCF
  • Design/Development of Databases on MS SQL / Oracle
  • UML Design and Development methodology
  • Understanding of Enterprise Application blocks
  • Basic understanding on Design Patterns
  • Basic understanding of SOA

3.Band 30 - Senior Programmer Analyst  .net


Manage Project and ensure successful project delivery. Leading activities / tasks related to application design and architecture along with infrastructure architecture. Applying technical expertise to deliver business solutions. Propose technology solutions in line with AXP standards, Assist project team members in technical issue resolution, Ensuring adherence to standard processes, Collaborate with business partner and business solution definition /delivery teams to build IT strategies to address business capabilities.

Required Qualifications

Candidate should preferably be bachelor's degree holder in Engineering or a MCA degree holder, 4 + years of experience in designing/developing systems, Strong experience in one or more of the following areas: .NET, Java , SQL server, Oracle; Project Management experience; Strong collaboration and relationship building skills, Team player, Good communications skills, Hands-on experience on two/three end-to-end project life cycles, Exposure to Six Sigma, CMM, and Finance domain will be a plus.Experience in ETL and BI tools like Essbase,Informatica, Cognos and Oracle Business Intelligence required.Understanding of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)concepts required as well. Good understanding of Solution Delivery Life-cycle.

4. Band 35 - Lead Tech Architect



Leading activities / tasks related to application design and architecture along with infrastructure architecture. Applying technical expertise to deliver business solutions. Propose technology solutions in line with AXP standards, Assist project team members in technical issue resolution, Ensuring adherence to standard processes, Collaborate with business partner and business solution definition /delivery teams to build IT strategies to address business capabilities.


Candidate should preferably be bachelor's degree holder in Engineering or a MCA degree holder, 8 + years of experience in designing/developing systems, Strong experience in one or more of the following areas: .NET, Java , SQL server, Oracle; Project Management experience; Strong collaboration and relationship building skills, Team player, Good communications skills, Hands-on experience on two/three end-to-end project life cycles, Exposure to Six Sigma, CMM, and Finance domain will be a plus.

5.Job Description for BI: Technical Lead : Band 30


  • 5+ Years of experience - should have been working on Business Intelligence technologies for the last 3+ years (minimum).
  • Should have experience implementing Cognos Business Intelligence (8.x) and Hyperion Essbase
  • Hands-on experience designing and implementing Datamarts and datamodels for large implementations
  • Experience in Documentum (Document Management System from EMC) is desirable
  • Exposure to ETL tool, preferably on Informatica
  • Should be able work/coordinate with various teams and focus on delivering the application.
  • Excellent customer interaction skill and understanding of their requirements and translating them into Business Solutions.
  • Should have excellent communication skills
  • Technical leadership with proven ability to develop high quality software solutions.
  • Excellent team leading, presentation and communication skills.
  • Should have exposure to multiple databases including SQL Server and Oracle

Technical Skills:

  • Cognos BI certified and Hyperion Essbase knowledge
  • Design/Development of Databases on MS SQL / Oracle
  • Data Warehouse implementations
  • Experience on Documentum 5.3+ is desirable
  • UML Design and Development methodology
  • Basic understanding on Design Patterns
  • Basic understanding of SOC


If you are interested and available for this assignment, we would urge you to rush in your latest updated CV in MS-Word format with the following details furnished:



Permanent employee of which company:

Contact numbers:

Current location:

Current CTC (in Lacs):

Expected CTC (in Lacs):

Availability (date of joining, if selected):

Total experience (in years):

Experience in specific skillset (in years):

Please specify the position  you have applied :



Please feel free to call us any time for any queries.


Harleen / Swati
Thought -Tracks Consultants Pvt Ltd., 9810061239